Sun Eater

Despite the promise, it took Brant several more days before he was ready to set out for Rekkiad. First he had to send off a missive to Darth Hu’izei, requesting the “generous wealth” he had bragged of to Karkemir. In the message, he was vague on the truth: though it was true the Other, or at least some echo of his father through the Force, had been visiting his dreams ever since his Ascension, he didn’t want his master to think him so weak that his parents’ deaths still bothered him like that. Brant instead focused on describing the crystals he sought. He had perused the Sith Academy’s holocrons, and he thought they matched the description of permafrost crystals, though Brant had no idea why such things would’ve found their way to Serenno. As insinuated by the name, they only came from the iciest of planets, and Serenno was definitely not one of them.

Perhaps Jedi had brought them there, wielding them in a crusade to stop the Sith? That would make sense, Brant thought. Some Jedi must have captured his father and dragged him back to Rekkiad to Force-sever him. Their permafrost crystals, if Brant could find them, would be a suitable gift of allegiance to the Sun Eater, and a revenge to be had for himself.

The crystals also sounded powerful in their own right. Thinking back to the obnoxious message he had received from his rival Marram, Brant grinned. He would so love to wield one and put that smile off the lord’s face. That alone would be worth the journey.

Hu’izei’s answer came back swiftly, and Brant was pleased with the large sum of credits gifted to his account. He used it to lay in supplies for the journey, including renting a shuttle he could fly on his own to Rekkiad.

Before he departed, Brant also considered sending a message to Kellaro, telling his brother all about the tomb and what he had found there, what he now planned to do. Something held him back, however. Just as Kellaro didn’t understand Brant’s loyalty to his master, he probably wouldn’t understand Brant’s quest for the crystals. So Brant said nothing, and within just a few more days, he was touching down on Rekkiad’s cold, barren surface.

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